Glo-Chem International (GCI) is a Real Estate Development Consulting Firm providing Construction Management, Project Management, and Energy Consulting Services to a wide range of clients thru-out the Delaware Valley, during project planning, pre-development, design, financial packaging, bidding, contractor selection, product ordering, fabrication, construction, monitoring and project close-out.
GCI staff and consulting group of professionals is highly skilled and experienced from years of multiple project development to handle a vast range of project requirements, including but not limited to:
Real Estate Development Consulting
- Market & Development Feasibility
- Real Estate Valuation
- Real Estate Repurposing
- Mixed-Finance Real Estate Development Packaging
- Low Income Housing Tax Credits Consulting

LIHTC are not federal funds and not a grant, but rather an investment by equity partners.
- Public and Private Affordable Housing Funds
- Funds Development, Secure Lenders and Compliance
- Construction Phase Monitoring
- Property Management Consulting, Leasing and Sales
Construction Management
Construction Management (CM) unlike the General Contractor (GC) method in the construction process is a compartmentalized management concept, whereas all functions are not contracted to one single construction firm as with a GC. Rather, the CM manages Prime General Contractors and Sub-contractors to produce a complete construction project, in many cases for a reduction in overall contractor overhead costs. GCI provides construction management and construction management consulting services to owners / developers to reduce the inherent risk of construction and have owners / developers retain control of each aspect of the project.

GCI staff and consulting group of professionals will usher owner / developers thru the maze of bidding, bonding, insurance, material purchases, manufacturing, local authority approvals, construction coordination, occupancy certificates, inspections, punch lists, and warranty period. The following service areas only differ as to specific tasks assigned:
- Construction Management and Consulting
- Project Management
- Owner’s Representative
Trouble-Shooting of difficult projects
GCI can works seamlessly to augment our client’s staff as they operate on project sites as well as provide Trouble-Shooting of difficult projects, to shortcut Murphy’s Law, apply Organizational Development Concepts to redefine the scope and bring the project back on-schedule and on-budget.
Organizational Development
“the practice of changing people and organizations for positive growth.” It is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization’s effectiveness or efficiency. GCI Organizational Development Specialist will focus on fine tuning and restructuring of the organization’s people and management principals to create a high performing company with high performing individuals and teams.
The process employs the Gestalt Management Concept and starts with:
- valuation of the organization using several methods such as S.W.O.T. for the company, and DISC Behavioral Profile for the staff and leadership.
- Next, reshaping and/or fashioning a plan to meet the current challenges and set future goals at all levels of the organization.
- Introduction of the plan to all stakeholders and confirmation of buy-in commitments.
- Implementation of the plan and adjustments to meet short and long term goals.
- Monitoring, compliance and assessment.
Organizational Development, typically referred to as OD or O & D is simply a tune-up and oil change, so to speak, for the organization to perform at its full potential.
Antimicrobial Disinfection and 30-Day Protection Services
The Germ Killers Applicator Provider (
Providing patented EPA registered technology formulations to managed germs and micro-organisms(including Covit 19) with disinfection and durable long term antimicrobial protection.